Name: (In Game) Asus.
Real Name: (Optional) Henry
Age: 20
Country: Finland
Languages you know: English and Finnish
How long have you played JK2: 5 years
How often do you play JK2: everyday when im not busy.
Any Past/Previous Clans: stu.
Other JK2 servers you go on: all of them well the ones with people in them.
Can you Mod, Map, Web Design, Graphic Design, etc.: no.
Why do you want to join DE: Because it seems like a great clan of very good players and i want to be one of them.
What do you expect from DE: To be trained to be a pro in force powers and dueling in return i offer my loyalty to dE.
How did you find out about DE: I find this in Google.
Do you understand (& read) the DE Rules & DE Rank-System: Yes.
Got XFire: (Yes or No) no but i get it later
Any other contacts: (Optional)
I don't think of my self as a noob i know enough pro force powers and dueling to survive in jk2 but i want to become a real pro and from what i heard this is the best clan for it. Another thing i wanna add would it be okay if my clan tag looks like this? <dE>~Asus. its a bit small and the ~ will be next to the clan tags bracket it would look different from everyone else's. I think thats it just ask if you would like to know more.