Name: Patch
Real Name: AAS (initials)
Age: 15
Country: United States of America
Languages you know: English
How long have you played JK2: 5 years +/-
How often do you play JK2: During Summer: Everyday +/-. During School Season: Every weekend +/-.
Any Past/Previous Clans: RJM, IKBR, ATS.
Other JK2 servers you go on: None.
Can you Mod, Map, Web Design, Graphic Design, etc.: I can mod maps. I can map (from scratch).
Why do you want to join DE: Why do I want to have fun? It's healthy. Why do I want to learn? It's fun to progress. This clan will push/guide to higher levels. What more could I ask for? That aside, I've met some nice people.
What do you expect from DE: What I put into it.
How did you find out about DE: The leader told me about it, furthermore I am applying because I want to, no one pushed me.
Do you understand (& read) the DE Rules & DE Rank-System: I do.
Got XFire: (Yes or No) Yes.
Any other contacts: (Optional) None.